
Overview of some of our recent dispensing projects:

Past projects include (but not limited to) the following:



Automotive Gasket Printing Machine    See Pictures & Videos Here!!

Complete machine design and build using 2 axis IAI cartesian robot with Leibinger Jet2SE printer and Beijer HMI.  Provided user flexibility to create and save unlimited print jobs that can be easily recalled and printed.  Provided customer great flexibility and fast part changeover for small runs.  For this project, we were able to find a software package that directly loaded logo or graphic files into the Jet2 printer.

Medical Tube Printing

Machine retrofit using new 2 axis IAI cartesian robot with Leibinger Jet2SE printer and Beijer HMI.  User desired unlimited flexibility for printing on medical tubes including model information as well as graduated measurements along tube.  Greatly improved reliability of previous system at a much faster cycle rate on a machine that was much easier to operate. 

Plastic Valve Printing

Joint effort machine design and build using 2 axis IAI cartesian robot with Leibinger Jet2SE printer and Beijer HMI. Application involved printing on an internal toilet valve using pre-stored print jobs stored in the printer.  GoWare provided the flexibility for the operator to change the number of lines printed as well as which print job to print on each line, the spacing between the lines and the sweep distance for that line.  The user could then save these settings for future recall through the HMI.



Butyl Dispensing    See Picture & Videos Here!

Complete machine design and build using 3 axis IAI cartesian table top robot with Sealant Equipment (SEE) dispensing system.  Provided two identical machines for the user to gain much better dispense control which allowed them to not only improve cycle time, but they were able to place the small machines directly in their assembly line instead of performing the task off line.

Automotive Fuse Adhesive Dispensing

GoWare provided all programming and electrical design and build work for this project.  Machine uses 3 IAI cartesian actuators, an IAI PSEL controller, an IAI PCON controller, a Maxon Motion Controller, an Allen Bradley Micrologix PLC and a Beijer EXTER HMI.  This system provided the ability to perform 4 different dispensing operations on one machine.  All aspects of the motion and dispensing system could be modified through the touchscreen HMI.  This provided the user with a high degree of flexibility and control over varying conditions.

Automotive Engine Manifold Dispensing

GoWare provided high-level programming services to implement a difficult, 3-D dispensing pattern on an engine manifold.  This new machine used an IAI SCARA robot to perform the dispensing motion.   This machine also featured a dispense tip adjustment routine to correct for bent or short dispensing tips.

Automotive Turbo Charging Cooling System Dispensing 

Joint effort project involving 2 machines each with 2, 3 axis cartesian IAI systems running on one 6 axis IAI XSEL controller, interfacing with 2 IPD vision systems and an Automation Direct PLC and HMI.  GoWare provided motion control programming work as well as custom serial communications interface with PLC and vision system.  This system receives XY coordinates of up to 55 hole centers, and then calculates offsets to place up to 284 paste dots between the holes on the cooling system flange.  The system runs 6 different patterns on each 3 axis system.

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